2021-08-25 14:41:44

The working principle of oil-free air compressor


1. Dry oil-free screw air compressors are also known as oil-free screw air compressors. Most of them are twin-screw air compressors, which means that only air is absorbed in the rotor, and the lubrication of the rotor is carried out by the surface coating. However, due to the strict requirements of dry-type oil-free operation environment and maintenance of the equipment, the use and maintenance costs are very high. Basically, it can be explained in the following three aspects:

①There are two kinds of coatings, one is Teflon with general performance, and the other is molybdenum disulfide, which is much better. No matter which of the above is, it has a service life and requires a higher moisture content. . So this kind of oil-free screw compressor needs to rotate the machine frequently when not in use to avoid the main engine from being stuck for a long time. The failure of the host to freeze is often caused by such reasons.

②The exhaust temperature of the main engine is very high. Generally, the exhaust temperature of the main engine of an oil-free screw compressor can reach 180°. Generally, the factory will take some protective measures before leaving the factory. However, special attention should be paid to high-temperature components during operation to avoid burns or even fire risks.

③Maintenance problem after the main engine is damaged: Except for the maintenance of oil-free main engine proposed by IR, other manufacturers require direct replacement of the main engine, and the cost of replacing the main engine is very high.

2. Water-lubricated oil-free screw air compressors are also called water-jet screw air compressors, namely single-screw air compressors and twin-screw air compressors, which mean that while the rotor room sucks in air, it also sucks in water. The role of lubricating the rotor and sealing) mixes water and air together and compresses it.

①Water-lubricated oil-free air compressors are generally single-screw air compressors. Single-screw water-lubricated oil-free air compressors are characterized by the use of water as the lubricating medium for the compressor, which is completely oil-free and produces pure output. Oil-free compressed air has completely changed the production environment of certain industries.

②Because water is sprayed into the compression chamber, the temperature is only about 40-50 degrees, constant temperature compression, high volumetric efficiency, and the efficiency is 15% higher than that of dry oil-free screw air compressors.

③The oil-free water-lubricated screw air compressor has low maintenance costs, and only needs to replace the water, water filter, and air filter.