2022-06-30 14:52:14

How to determine the air consumption of the air compressor

The traditional method of determining the compressed air requirements of a new plant is to add up the air consumption (m3/min) of all the gas-using equipment, and then consider adding a safety, leakage and development factor. In an existing plant, you only need to do some simple The test can know whether the compressed air supply is sufficient. If not, estimate how much more is needed.

Generally, the output pressure of the air compressor in the industry is 0.69MPa (G), and the pressure sent to the point of use of the equipment is at least 0.62Mpa. This shows that the typical air compressor we use has an unloading pressure of 0.69 Mpa (G) and a barrel loading pressure or system pressure of 0.62 Mpa (G). With these numbers (or the unload and load values for a system) we can be sure.

If the barrel pressure is at the nominal loading point (0.62 Mpa(G)) or does not gradually rise to the unloading pressure (0.69 Mpa(G)), more air may be required. Always check of course to make sure there are no major leaks and that the compressor unloading and control systems are functioning properly.

If the compressor must operate at a pressure higher than 0.69 Mpa(G) to provide a system pressure of 0.62 Mpa(G), check that the distribution system piping may be undersized or blocked

The point is how much more gas needs to be added to the gas consumption, what effect the system leaks will have, and how to size the gas storage tank to meet intermittent peak gas consumption requirements.