2024-05-07 14:01:35

Maintenance of air compressors with different winding speeds

The "three musts" should be met during air compressor maintenance: the division of labor must be clear before the task, and there must be a plan with responsible persons and fill it out carefully; when disassembly and installation work is carried out, parts must be placed on the oil pan or cutting board, and must not be placed on the ground or carelessly. After work is completed, the workplace must be thoroughly cleaned and cleaned to restore the original appearance of the site.

1. Maintenance content when the unit is running for 1000~1500Hrs:

(1) Clean the air filter.

(2) Check the opening status of the drain valves at all levels. If the pipeline is blocked, clear the pipeline in time.

(3) Check whether each instrument is in good condition.

2. Maintenance content when the unit is running from 2000 to 2500Hrs:

(4) Replace the damaged air filter element.

(5) Check pressure and temperature readings;

(6) Check and maintain the unit for possible air or oil leaks.

(7) Check for possible water leaks on the water cooler,

(8) Clean the cooler and the condenser of the cold dryer.

(9) Replace the oil and oil filter. When the pressure drop on the oil separator exceeds 1 bar, replace the oil separator. Check the smoothness of the oil-water separator and sewage pipes, and clear the pipes in time.

(10) Check the automatic control part of electrical appliances, such as ultra-high and ultra-low alarms for pressure at all levels.

(11) Check the fastening of the terminals in the electric control cabinet, the safety grounding and the reliability of the safety protection devices.

(12) Check the condition of the heatless regeneration drying tower, coarse filter, and oil removal filter.

3. Maintenance content when the unit is running for 3500~4000Hrs:

(13) Compressor part:

a) Replace the oil filter element and replace the lubricating oil.

b) Check and clean the spring plunger of the one-way oil shut-off valve and replace it if necessary.

c) Clean the thermostatic valve and replace it if necessary.

d) Check the fitting clearance of worn parts and keep records to provide original records for overhaul.

e) Clean the scale in the oil cooler and after-cooler water jacket.

(4) Operation monitoring system

a) Check the sensitivity of pressure gauges and safety valves at all levels.

b) Sensitivity of valves in each pipeline.

c) Replace it if it is found to be damaged.

(15) Cooling water system

a) Clean the scale and dirt in the cooling water tank.

b) Clean the dirt in the water pump inlet filter.

c) Check the dirt in the cooling tower; check the rotation of the fan, check the rotation of the water distributor, and replace or add grease.