2024-05-17 16:11:17

Talk about the development direction of screw air compressor maintenance

Recently, there are concerns about the development direction of screw air compressor maintenance, and the country has recently issued a scientific research project to study the energy efficiency standards of my country's positive displacement air compressors and prepare an energy-saving application technology roadmap. Many companies are also starting this work, and in the following steps conduct. Let’s briefly talk about it below,

1. The important model will be the screw air compressor

Among general power positive displacement air compressors in the power range of 22 to 500kW, screw air compressors have become the absolute main model. Piston air compressors only have a market in small flow ranges. Other air compressors such as sliding vanes and scrolls have Although machines also have their own shopping malls, the proportion is very small.

2. Good energy efficiency in small and medium power

Various screw air compressor manufacturers have good energy efficiency performance and expansion potential in small and medium power plans (100kW and below), but the space for energy efficiency development of high-power models is relatively small.

3. Energy efficiency standards

Using technologies such as frequency conversion and two-stage compression, many screw air compressors can reach Level 1 of the current energy efficiency standards. Screw air compressors with level 2 energy efficiency are relatively common, but not all products of all companies can reach level 2.

4. There is huge payment behind the brand

Some air compressor companies have invested a lot of technology in scientific research and laboratories, developing nearly 20 new lines every year; 2,000 to 6,000 hours of life experiments; multi-model product full-function experiments, ensuring the stability and stability of product functions. Reliability provides a good guarantee.

5. Energy efficiency standards

Energy efficiency standards affect domestic air compressor companies. Each company has its own good solutions in various aspects such as screw profile, machine head manufacturing accuracy, and overall machine system optimization. It is expected that in the next 2 to 3 years, all series will launch their own solutions. new energy-saving products.

In addition to the efforts of air compressor manufacturers, users can also carry out energy-saving transformation through screw air compressor frequency conversion transformation, waste heat recovery and other methods, which not only saves electricity costs, but also reduces air compressor maintenance costs.