2024-06-06 11:55:43

What factors determine the exhaust volume of the air compressor

We all know that the exhaust volume of the air compressor is actually a reflection of the quality and efficiency of the equipment. So what factors determine the exhaust volume of the air compressor? It is usually affected by several factors.

1. Leakage: There will be gaps between the rotors and between the rotor and the casing during operation, and they are not in direct contact, so gas leakage will occur. When the gas with increased pressure leaks through the gap to the suction pipe and the meshing groove being inhaled, the exhaust volume will be reduced. Therefore, to reduce the leakage, sealing teeth should be made on the top of the driven rotor, sealing grooves should be opened on the root of the active rotor, and annular or strip-shaped sealing teeth should be processed on the end face. Therefore, when the sealing line is worn, the leakage will increase and the exhaust volume will decrease.

2. Inhalation state: The screw air compressor is a positive displacement compressor, and the suction volume remains unchanged. When the suction temperature rises, or the suction line resistance is too large to reduce the suction pressure, the density of the gas decreases, and the gas exhaust volume will be reduced accordingly.

3. Cooling effect: When the gas is compressed, the temperature will rise, and the temperature of the rotor and the casing will also rise accordingly. During the suction process, the gas will expand due to the heating of the rotor and the casing, reducing the suction volume. The rotor of the air compressor is sometimes cooled by oil and the casing is cooled by water. The main reason is to reduce the temperature. If the cooling is poor, the temperature will rise and the exhaust volume will decrease.

4. Speed: The exhaust volume of the screw compressor is proportional to the speed. The speed will change with the voltage and frequency of the power grid. When the voltage decreases (for asynchronous motors) or the frequency decreases, the speed will decrease, reducing the gas volume.