2024-06-10 15:16:16

Explanation of the condensate problem of screw air compressor

The post-processing equipment of screw air compressor mainly includes air storage tank, dryer and filter. The dryer can ensure that the screw air compressor reduces condensation in the air during the production process and ensures the discharge of dry and clean air. If the compressed air still contains water after the air is processed by the dryer, it may be caused by the following reasons. Let me talk to you about why there is still water after the screw air compressor is installed with cold drying equipment?

1. It may be that the air humidity around the screw air compressor station is high. We all know that the air itself has humidity and contains a certain amount of moisture. When the air passes through the air compressor, the temperature inside the air compressor is high, and the moisture directly evaporates to form water vapor, and then discharges the screw air compressor with pressure. When it stops, the temperature drops, which will cause the water vapor to form condensed water. Therefore, the operating environment humidity of the screw air compressor should be low; or the condensed water should be discharged before the screw air compressor is started.

2. The drying equipment of the post-processing of the screw air compressor fails. The general dryer post-processing capacity is a pressure dew point of 3°C. If the temperature of your work site is lower than 3°C, there will be water. Therefore, it is recommended to install an adsorption dryer as a post-treatment drying device, so that the pressure dew point can reach -20℃ without water in it.

3. The post-treatment drying equipment equipped with the screw air compressor cannot operate normally. Generally speaking, the post-treatment drying capacity equipped by the manufacturer for the user is configured according to the average gas consumption. If your instantaneous gas consumption is large, it will cause insufficient consumption of the post-treatment drying equipment, resulting in water in the gas.

4. The gas storage tank itself has the function of accumulating water, and there is a lot of water in it that has not been discharged, or the drainage is forgotten. Open the drain valve under the gas storage tank regularly to drain the water.

5. There is a problem with the design of the air compressor pipeline. The design slope of the compressed air pipeline is not good, and the condensed water in the pipeline is not discharged in time, which will cause water.