2024-06-17 14:56:28

Selection and management of screw air compressor room

We all know that screw air compressors are widely used in various industries as an important form of energy generation. There are many details in the selection of their maintenance and installation sites. Only by choosing a good installation site and doing a good job of maintenance can the service life of the screw air compressor be extended. Therefore, how to manage the screw air compressor room also plays a certain role in the maintenance of the screw air compressor. Let me talk about it briefly with you below:

1. A wide and well-lit place should be selected to facilitate the space and lighting required for the operation, maintenance and repair of the screw air compressor.

2. The floor of the screw air compressor room should be flat and hard (generally cement floor is sufficient). At the same time, attention should be paid to keeping the floor clean and free of debris accumulation, especially flammable and explosive items, and fire extinguishers and other facilities should be equipped to ensure the reliability of the room.

3. The placement of the screw air compressor should be careful not to be close to the wall, and a certain distance should be reserved to ensure a certain amount of ventilation and maintenance space, which is also conducive to the maintenance and maintenance of the screw air compressor.

4. The ambient temperature in the screw air compressor room should be kept at a certain level, which should not be higher than 35℃ and should not be lower than 0℃. Note that the temperature of the screw air compressor room should be kept as low as possible. The air compressor absorbing high temperature air will reduce the exhaust volume.

5. The place where the screw room is located should be kept dry, with good ventilation conditions and less dust, and the air should be fresh. Try to avoid dusty, oily, and humid environments to reduce damage to the screw air compressor, thereby extending its service life. The air compressor should not be allowed to inhale corrosive gases, paint molecules, and gases containing explosive or unstable chemical components or steam, so as not to endanger the air compressor users or cause rapid damage to the unit.

6. Operators should read the operation manual carefully before operating and maintaining the screw air compressor. When an accident occurs (including operating status), the equipment after-sales personnel should be notified immediately. Usually, attention should be paid to regular maintenance and maintenance of the various parts of the screw air compressor to keep the machine equipment in good operating condition.

7. It is strictly forbidden to bump the pressure pipes in the screw air compressor room, and it is strictly forbidden to disassemble and assemble them under power and pressure.

8. Even under reasonable use conditions, the compressed air will still contain a large amount of water and trace oil, which will reduce the factory's production efficiency and product quality. Untreated air cannot be used directly for breathing or food contact, so corresponding compressed air purification equipment must be installed.