2024-06-28 16:26:55

Importance of air filter for screw air compressor

As a barrier of screw air compressor, the quality of air filter is very important. If the quality of air filter is not good, it will cause customers to waste a lot of electricity bills, and will directly affect the service life of engine oil, oil filter, oil separator, bearing, etc. However, the quality of air filter is a problem ignored by many so-called experts in screw air compressor industry. Many people do not pay attention to the quality of air filter, thinking that as long as it can be used, they will know that the quality of air filter is not good only when the air filter is deformed by suction, and they still do not know what caused the deformation, and they only know to replace a new one and install it.

Whether the quality of air filter is good or not is not simply determined by the price, nor is the more expensive the better. However, usually the price of good quality air filter will be slightly higher, but not too far apart (the price of good PU glue air filter will be about 20-30% higher, and the price of good iron cover air filter will be about 40-50% higher). In addition, you need to learn how to distinguish the quality of air filter, so that you can get a good quality air filter that is not particularly expensive. The quality of screw air filter mainly depends on three aspects:

1. Waterproof performance. Everyone knows that there is a lot of water in the air, especially on rainy days. The water content in the air will be higher. Once the waterproof performance of the air filter is poor, the air filter will be easily affected by moisture. Once the air filter is affected by moisture, it will affect the smooth air intake of the air compressor, and even blockage, and customers will waste a lot of electricity.

2. Filtration accuracy. If the filtration accuracy is not high, a large amount of slightly fine dust and impurities will be sucked into the screw air compressor, which will affect the service life of oil, engine oil, oil filter, bearings, etc.

3. Air permeability. If the air permeability is not good, it will affect the smooth air intake of the screw air compressor and it will be easily blocked. Customers will also waste a lot of electricity. The quality of the air filter can be tested from the following three aspects:

1. Use water to test. This is also the most critical. The general identification method is that for those who have no experience, water can detect the quality of the air filter. Put the air filter flat on the ground or on the table and sprinkle some water on the filter paper:

1. If the filter paper is soaked with water within 5 minutes, it is an air filter made of cotton pulp paper and must not be used. This kind of goods is mostly produced in Hebei. This kind of goods is used by a few cheap people in the screw air compressor industry.

2. If the filter paper seeps water within 2-5 hours, it is made of low-grade wood pulp paper and can be used, but it will affect the scavenging efficiency of the screw air compressor (more power consumption, less air pumping). Since the price of air filters made of this kind of filter paper is relatively low, it can also be used on screw air compressors (more power consumption and less air pumping, which is a waste of customers' money and none of your business, haha), so now this kind of filter paper air filter is the mainstream in the air compressor industry, and most screw air compressor shops use this kind of filter paper air filter.

3. If the filter paper seeps water after 12-15 hours, it is a decent filter paper (mid-range filter paper). Usually, domestic screw air compressor manufacturers with better quality use this kind of filter paper air filter as original consumables.

4. If the filter paper does not seep water in for 24 hours, it is also considered a high-quality product (good filter paper). Usually, only good screw air compressor manufacturers use this type of filter paper as original consumables:

Second, look at the light to see if the filter paper is uniform, whether the light transmittance is good, and whether the surface finish of the filter paper is good. If the filter paper is uniform and fine, with good light transmittance and surface finish, it means that the filter paper has good filtering accuracy and air permeability (this simple identification method requires a little experience)

Third, look at the depth and number of folds of the filter paper. If the filter paper is deep and has many folds, it means that the air filter has a large filtering area. The larger the air filter area, the better the air permeability:

It is not particularly difficult for the air filter to have good waterproof performance. As long as it is made of good Wood pulp filter paper can meet the requirements, but the production cost will be slightly higher. The more difficult thing is to meet both the filtration accuracy and the air permeability. Only the air filter that can meet these three requirements at the same time is a good air filter. I also hope that everyone reminds customers to clean the air filter diligently. Cleaning the air filter diligently is not only to better protect the screw air support machine, but also to help customers save electricity bills (dust attached to the surface of the air filter will affect the smooth air intake). Users in particularly harsh environments should also clean the air filter once a day and replace the air filter every 500-800 hours. Customers in medium environments should clean the air filter every 3-7 days and replace the air filter every 1000-1500 hours. Customers in good environments! Replace the air filter every 500-2000 hours.