2024-07-19 16:42:26

Performance advantages of variable frequency screw air compressor

In today's increasingly competitive air compressor industry, I believe that many business owners are not clear about the advantages and benefits of industrial frequency screw air compressors, variable frequency screw air compressors, permanent magnet variable frequency screw air compressors, etc. on the market, regardless of whether they are buying new or repurchasing air compressors, regardless of factors such as brand and pressure. Today, we will introduce the advantages of variable frequency screw air compressors to you, hoping that business owners will have a new understanding of choosing the air compressor suitable for their own factories or enterprises.

About the advantages of variable frequency air compressors:

1. Stable air pressure of variable frequency screw air compressors:

Due to the stepless speed regulation characteristics of variable frequency screw air compressors, the pressure can be quickly adjusted and controlled through the controller or the regulator inside the inverter. Compared with the upper and lower limit switch control of industrial frequency operation, the air pressure stability is exponentially improved.

2. Energy-saving effect of variable frequency screw air compressor:

Although screw air compressors of various manufacturers have adopted different energy-saving operation modes, since the frequency converter adjusts the motor speed in real time according to the actual gas consumption, the air compressor can be automatically dormant when the gas consumption is low, thus reducing energy loss. However, it should be noted that the different system control methods also have an impact on the energy-saving effect.

3. No impact when starting the variable frequency screw air compressor:

This is because the frequency converter itself is a soft start device. The general starting current is about 2 times the rated current. Compared with the power frequency start-up, which is generally more than six times the rated current, the impact of starting is obvious. Moreover, this impact is not only on the power grid, but also on the entire mechanical system.

4. Low noise of variable frequency screw air compressor:

Since the operating frequency is lower than the power frequency during stable operation, the mechanical noise will be reduced, the mechanical wear will be small, and the sound will be smaller than the power frequency.

5. Small requirements for the capacity of the gas storage tank.

The points mentioned above are the editor’s own views on variable frequency air compressors. I hope they will be helpful to you.